Professor Vyvyan Evans, is an internationally renowned expert on language and digital communication. A native of the ancient Roman cathedral city of Chester, England, he holds a PhD in linguistics from Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA. He has lived and worked extensively in Asia, Europe, and North America as a Professor of Linguistics.
He has published numerous acclaimed popular science and technical books on language and linguistics. His popular science essays and articles have been featured in numerous venues, ranging from The Guardian to Psychology Today, from the New York Post to New Scientist, from Newsweek to The New Republic.
His award-winning writing focuses, in one way or another, on the nature of language and mind, the impact of technology on language, and the future of communication. His published science fiction work explores the status of language and digital communication technology as potential weapons of mass destruction.
Prof. Evans is also a member of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association (SFWA).
Public Resources
Author page at Amazon has full details of all published books
Google Scholar profile provides metrics and citations
Blog at Psychology Today
Author page at Goodreads
Access Semantics
Evans is the architect of Access Semantics (also known as LCCM Theory): a theoretical account of the intersection between the linguistic and conceptual systems, which subserve linguistically-mediated meaning construction. This he investigates in a book-length treatment: How Words Mean, which provides a technical overview of Access Semantics, the Theory of Lexical Concepts and Cognitive Models (aka LCCM Theory). A technical book, Language & Time develops a detailed application of Access Semantics to the domain of time. The Crucible of Language provides a pop-sci overview of this perspective for a general audience. A chapter-length overview of the theory is available as Chapter 18 of Cognitive Linguistics: A Complete Guide. All the technical articles and book chapters on the theory are available for download here.
Prof. Evans consults to a wide range of tech companies on the nature of language and the future of communication, and undertakes research and leads educational, and PR campaigns on behalf of corporate clients. These have included TalkTalk Mobile, JUST EAT, Barclays Bank, Walls Ice Cream, Sony Pictures, and Samsung.
He led Samsung's 2022 Galaxy GIF project for which he served as lead researcher, which was curated at the Samsung KX event venue in King's Cross, London.

Published Interviews
An interview with Vyvyan Evans, author of The Babel Apocalypse by Ed Battistella -- March 30th 2023 [PDF version here]
Mixed Emojis. Interview in Kinfolk Magazine -- September 2021 [PDF version here]
Interview in The Chicago Tribune -- November 1st 2017 [PDF version here]
An interview on The Emoiji Code in Literary Ashland -- October 5th 2017 [PDF version here]
Interview in GEO magazine (German language)--no. 9 August 2017 [PDF version here]
Interview on the history of Emoji, in Refinery29 -- July 17th 2017 [PDF version here]
Interview on the use of Emoji in education, in TES -- July 14th 2017 [PDF version here]
Interview on The Emoji Code, in Huck Magazine -- January 16th 2017 [PDF version here]
Interview published in Dutch magazine 7Days (Dutch language)-- May 29th 2015
The Bloody Secret Life of Theories--Vyv Evans in conversation in Beyond Words -- Language Blog, ALTA Translation 2015 [PDF version here]
Interview published in The Review of Cognitive Linguistics -- 2013
Professor of Linguistics
Bangor University
Professor of Cognitive Linguistics
University of Brighton
Senior Lecturer in Linguistics
University of Sussex
Language and digital communication author & researcher
Georgetown University, USA
PhD in Linguistics.
University of Florida, USA
MA in Linguistics
Durham University, UK
BA (Hons.) English and Philosophy