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This volume forms a coherent collection of original papers relating to new directions in Cognitive Linguistics.  Cognitive Linguistics is now, nearly 30 years after the publication of one its seminal texts, Metaphors We Live By, a mature theoretical and empirical enterprise, with, by now, a voluminous associated literature.  Indeed, it is arguably the most rapidly expanding ‘school’ in modern linguistics, and one of the most exciting areas of research within the interdisciplinary project known as cognitive science.  As such, Cognitive Linguistics is increasingly attracting a broad readership both within linguistics as well as from neighbouring disciplines including other cognitive and social sciences, and from disciplines within the humanities. The volume surveys new approaches to established phenomena in Cognitive Linguistics, including approaches to figurative language, lexicalisation patterns, cross-linguistic variation, grammar, and the relationship between language, conceptual structure and experience.  In addition, the volumes also showcase a representative selection of both new methodological and empirical approaches now increasingly being deployed in Cognitive Linguistics. 

Download the complete PDF version of the book, here.



Vyvyan Evans & Stéphanie Pourcel                      

I  Approaches to Semantics: Theory and Method
1.  Meaning as input: The instructional perspective 
Peter Harder
2.  Semantic representation in LCCM Theory
Vyvyan Evans
3.  Behavioral profiles: A corpus-based approach to cognitive semantic analysis
Stefan Th. Gries & Dagmar Divjak
4.  Polysemy, syntax and variation: A usage-based method for cognitive semantics
Dylan Glynn

II  Approaches to Metaphor and Blending: Theory and Method
5.  Solving the riddle of metaphor
Ziwei Mimi Huang                                                   
6.  When is a linguistic metaphor a conceptual metaphor?
Daniel Casasanto                                                   
7.  Generalised integration networks
Gilles Fauconnier                                        
8.  Genitives and proper names in constructional blends
Barbara Dancygier                                      

III  Approaches to Grammar: Theory and Method
9.  What’s (in) a construction? Non-predictability vs. entrenchment as criterial attributes
Arne Zeschel                                                          
10 .  Words as constructions
Ewa Dabrowska                                           
11.  Constructions and constructional meaning
Ronald Langacker                                                  
12.  Partonomic structures in syntax
Edith Moravcsik

IV  Language, Embodiment and Cognition: Theory and Application
13.  Language as biocultural niche and social institution
Chris Sinha
14. Understanding embodiment: Psycophysiological Models in traditional medical systems

Magda Altman                                                         

15.  Get and the grasp schema: A new approach to conceptual modelling in image schema semantics

Paul Chilton

16.  Motion scenarios in cognitive process
Stéphanie Pourcel  

V  Extensions and Applications of Cognitive Linguistics
17. Toward a social cognitive linguistics
William Croft                                    
18. Cognitive and linguistic factors in evaluating text quality: global versus local?
Ruth Berman and Bracha Nir-Sagiv                    
19.  Reference points and dominion in narratives:  A discourse level exploration of the reference point model of anaphora
Sarah van Vliet                                
20.  The dream as blend in David Lynch's Mulholland Drive
Johanna Rubba          
21.  “I was in that room!”: Conceptual integration of context and content in a writer’s vs. a prosecutor’s description of a murder
Esther Pascual             

Dr. Vyvyan Evans
Professor of Linguistics

© 2024 by Vyvyan Evans

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